Saturday, January 7, 2023

What if the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol had succeeded? A graphic novel is uniquely placed to answer

What if the January 6 insurrection at the US Capitol had succeeded? A graphic novel is uniquely placed to answer

“Art is a powerful tool to confront the complex issues we face today,” says author and artist Gan Golan. An uncontroversial statement, perhaps, when discussing great portraits, harrowing films, or triple decker novels. But not one generally associated with comics.

Yet Golan knows the powerful role that graphic novels can play in galvanising social movements better than most.

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Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time

As the demands of the workplace keep rising, many people respond by putting in ever longer hours, which inevitably leads to burnout that costs both the organization and the employee. Meanwhile, people take for granted what fuels their capacity to work—their energy. Increasing that capacity is the best way to get more done faster and better.

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New year resolutions: why your brain isn't wired to stick to them - and what to do instead

New year, new resolutions. It is that time once again. A recent survey shows that almost 58% of the UK population intended to make a new year’s resolution in 2023, which is approximately 30 million adults. More than a quarter of these resolutions will be about making more money, personal improvement and losing weight.

But will we succeed? Sadly, a survey of over 800 million activities by the app Strava, which tracks people’s physical exercise, predicts most of these resolutions will be abandoned by January 19.

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These Japanese beef croquettes are so popular there's a 30-year waitlist

If you order a box of frozen Kobe beef croquettes from Asahiya, a family-run butcher shop in Takasago City in Japan's western Hyogo Prefecture, today, it'll take another 30 years before you receive your order.

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Bob Woodward on His Trump Tapes

When Bob Woodward began interviewing Donald Trump during the pandemic, he found access to be unprecedented—disconcertingly so—despite Woodward having written critically of the former President in 2018. “I could call him anytime, [and] he would call me,” Woodward says. His wife, Elsa Walsh, “used to joke [that] there’s three of us in the marriage.” Woodward talks with David Remnick about “The Trump Tapes,” a new audiobook of his phone calls with the President. And, in the wake of Daman Hamlin’s accident, the staff writer Louisa Thomas talks about an uncomfortable truth: football’s danger to players is part of its singular popularity. And the staff writer Julian Lucas talks with the photographer Marilyn Nance, whose new book “Last Day in Lagos” documents FESTAC ’77, a monthlong festival that took place in Nigeria. FESTAC has been described as the most important Black cultural event of the twentieth century—so why have so few people heard of it?

The legendary journalist has chronicled the White House going back to Nixon. He knows how to interview Presidents. But, with Donald Trump, Woodward got more than he bargained for.

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Kevin McCarthy’s Week in “Purgatory”

By Thursday evening, Kevin McCarthy had lost eleven votes for Speaker of the House, the longest series of inconclusive ballots for the role since 1859. Until the next Speaker is selected, nothing can happen in the House of Representatives: no new legislation, no top-secret briefings, not even paychecks for lawmakers. McCarthy's fate remained unclear when the staff writers Susan B. Glasser, Jane Mayer, and Evan Osnos gathered for their weekly conversation, on Friday morning. Whatever the outcome, they say, the entire saga is instructive about the current state of the Republican Party—who wields true power, what the role of big money is, and even what the next two years of divided government might look like.

Personal History by David Sedaris: after thirty years together, sleeping is the new having sex.

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Strategies for Learning from Failure

Many executives believe that all failure is bad (although it usually provides lessons) and that learning from it is pretty straightforward. The author, a professor at Harvard Business School, thinks both beliefs are misguided. In organizational life, she says, some failures are inevitable and some are even good. And successful learning from failure is not simple: It requires context-specific strategies. But first leaders must understand how the blame game gets in the way and work to create an organizational culture in which employees feel safe admitting or reporting on failure.

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Slow cognitive decline with flavonols, study says | CNN

Eating more flavonols, antioxidants found in many vegetables, fruits, tea and wine, may slow your rate of memory loss, a new study finds.

The cognitive score of people in the study who ate the most flavonols declined 0.4 units per decade more slowly than those who ate the fewest flavonols. The results held even after adjusting for other factors that can affect memory, such as age, sex and smoking, according to the study recently published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology.

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How to Make Trump and the Wealthy Pay Their Taxes

Since a Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee released five years of Donald Trump’s tax returns, the Republicans’ farcical struggle to elect a new Speaker of the House has distracted attention from two urgent questions that the contents of the returns raised: How can we remodel the U.S. tax system to prevent Trump and other wealthy tax cheats from continuing to make a mockery of it? And, going beyond the individual case, egregious as it is, how can we use what we have learned to make the tax system fairer?

After reviewing years of Trump’s returns and speaking with independent tax experts, I am convinced that there are three imperatives. First, we need to strengthen the Internal Revenue Service so that it has the capacity to hold accountable serial tax avoiders like Trump and to deter would-be imitators. Second, we must eliminate loopholes in the tax code that serve no economic purpose beyond sheltering the riches of the financial élite while depriving the federal government of much-needed revenue that would aid other Americans. (This shortfall amounts to upward of four hundred billion dollars a year, according to some estimates.) Third, we have to introduce broader changes to the tax code for an economic era where the rich accumulate vast amounts of untaxed wealth, and where inequality has reached record levels.

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4 ways Netanyahu's new far-right government threatens Israeli democracy

Democracy is not just about holding elections. It is a set of institutions, ideas and practices that allow citizens a continuous, decisive voice in shaping their government and its policies.

The new Israeli government, headed by Benjamin Netanyahu and sworn in on Dec. 29, 2022, is a coalition of the most extreme right-wing and religious parties in the history of the state. This government presents a major threat to Israeli democracy, and it does so on multiple fronts.

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How to Stop Overthinking Everything

Deliberation is an admirable and essential leadership quality that undoubtedly produces better outcomes. But there comes a point in decision making where helpful contemplation turns into overthinking. To stop the cycle of thinking too much and drive towards better, faster decisions you can: put aside perfectionism, right-size the problem, leverage the underestimated power of intuition, limit the drain of decision fatigue, and construct creative constraints.

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'Final Fantasy 16's villain could be hiding a shocking secret

Even after a handful of trailers, there’s still a ton we don’t know about Final Fantasy XVI. We’ve only seen a few minutes of g gameplay and its overall narrative largely remains a mystery. While the trailers have seemingly introduced the major players of the story there’s one vital piece still missing, a villain. It’s not entirely unusual for Final Fantasy games to keep their villains secret, even Final Fantasy XV didn’t fully reveal that detail until the game actually launched. There are plenty of interesting details in the trailers, however, that could provide some tantalizing hints at who might be working against Clive. We’ll dive into a couple of theories, along with how FFXVI’s villain is likely someone very close to Clive.

Something important to get out of the way first is just who’s making the game. Naoki Yoshida is at the head as producer and Kazutoyo Maehiro, the main scenario writer of A Realm Reborn and Heavensward, is the lead writer. Final Fantasy XIV has revitalized the franchise in many ways, but Yoshida has been vocal in the past about how much they love Yasumi Matsuno’s works, the director of Final Fantasy Tactics and original creator of Final Fantasy XII. On top of that, Maehiro has played a central role in many of Matsuno’s games and was actually the event planner on Tactics, and the main battle system designer on FFXII.

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The Absolute Least You Can Do to Protect Yourself Online Now

One day, B.J. Mendelson was playing Roblox with his school-aged nieces when suddenly, he heard a stranger’s voice come out of one of their iPads. A longtime digital security buff, he was pretty creeped out. He knew how to keep himself secure online, but the incident brought home just how many opportunities for privacy breaches there are lurking in everyday devices. Most people, including his own brother and sister-in-law, operate them without a playbook.

That’s why this fall, he decided to start a podcast miniseries with the goal of making digital privacy more accessible. Sexy, even. The result is Stupid Sexy Privacy, a show in which he and co-host Rosie Tran give listeners bite-size, actionable tips on dealing with basic tech stuff like password management, not letting your car harvest your data, and whatever Elon Musk is doing to Twitter. Mendelson was kind enough to share some of these pearls of privacy wisdom with Slate, though you should probably get a VPN before you read them.

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How to Make Great Decisions, Quickly

As a new leader, learning to make good decisions without hesitation and procrastination is a capability that can set you apart from your peers. While others vacillate on tricky choices, your team could be hitting deadlines and producing the type of results that deliver true value. That’s something that will get you — and them — noticed. Here are a few of a great decision:

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Deforestation: proposed EU import ban may fail to protect

Most European consumers’ shopping baskets tend to include items linked to deforestation in tropical regions, involving agricultural commodities such as beef, soybeans, palm oil, cocoa, rubber, coffee, timber and paper. These so-called “forest-risk” commodities are used in thousands of consumer goods ranging from hamburgers to chocolate bars.

Yet this may be about to change. In December, the EU provisionally agreed on a new regulation to ensure that supply chains are free from processes and products that cause deforestation. The regulation, which is expected to come into force in mid-2023, states that companies will be unable to sell products in the EU that were produced on land cleared after 2020. Companies must prove that their products are produced legally.

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Surfing Through Korea’s War Games

For hours, I had watched the ominous, looping news broadcasts on my phone: the reporters cloaked in ponchos, some wearing hard hats, as tall waves crashed behind them on the beaches of Busan and Jeju Island. Typhoon Hinnamnor was predicted to be the most ferocious storm in Korean history and the second weather catastrophe of the season. An earlier storm had produced seventeen inches of rain in a single August day, flooding the southern half of Seoul. That water had been cinematically lethal: a family of three drowned in a basement apartment; two middle-aged siblings dropped to their deaths down a manhole, whose cover had floated away.

Typhoon Hinnamnor arrived from across the East Sea onto the southern end of the Korean Peninsula. But the storm wore itself out in Japan, and, by the time I took a train down to Busan from Seoul several days later, the only terrestrial evidence of high winds was a few peeled-up stone slabs on the sidewalk of touristic Haeundae Beach. Out at sea, though, the waves continued to form angry, kinetic white walls. At a quieter Busan beach called Songjeong, the typhoon had chased away the usual scrum of bodyboarders and surfers. Cafés and restaurants closed down and fortified their doors with sandbags. In the blackness of night, the cresting, crashing waves looked like demon clouds, racing for prey.

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How to Succeed Quickly in a New Role

A role transition, whether it’s a promotion, a move to a new organization, or a fresh challenge in an existing job, can be a huge boost to one’s career. But in today’s hyper-collaborative and dynamic workplaces, successful moves aren’t as easy as they once were, even for the most qualified, hardworking people. After analyzing employee relationships and communication patterns across more than 100 diverse companies, and interviewing 160 executives in 20 of them, the authors discovered an overlooked prerequisite for transition success: the effective use of internal networks. That involves five practices: surging rapidly into a broad network by asking a lot of questions and discovering boundary-spanning, innovative people across the organization; generating pull by understanding, energizing, and adjusting to new connections; identifying how to add value, where one falls short, and which people in the broad network can help fill any gaps; creating scale by using the network to engage other key opinion leaders, expand the scope and impact of one’s projects, and more efficiently deliver outsize results; and shaping the network for maximum thriving by making connections that enhance one’s workplace experience.

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Managing the New Tensions of Hybrid Work

Developing corporate culture and inspiring innovation were tough three years ago, when everyone sat in adjoining cubicles all week, drinking coffee from the same pot. Now that hybrid work appears to be here to stay, with many employees dividing their working hours between home and a company location, these challenges are magnified. New research shows that managers are deeply concerned about the downsides of hybrid arrangements for two domains that are, beyond most others, inherently social: Although evidence of damage to innovation and culture remains largely anecdotal, the potential threat is real.

We define hybrid work as a flexible balance, with working hours divided between a company location and elsewhere, typically a home office. Its endurance became manifest during the two years we studied market-leading global corporations that had adopted the model during the COVID-19 pandemic. All of the managers in our sample said that their companies intended to create long-term hybrid strategies or had already done so.

The imperative to support hybrid working is largely workforce demand. Employees — pointing to their strong performance when they worked from home during the worst of the pandemic — are reasonably demanding greater flexibility to work where and when they want. Leaders know they have to offer flexible working arrangements to attract, retain, and motivate top talent.

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How to Recover from a Toxic Job

You made the brave decision to say goodbye to a toxic workplace. Now you deserve to reclaim your confidence and leave the baggage of a negative environment behind you. In this article, the author offers strategies to help you heal, forge ahead, and be successful in your new role: 1) find closure, 2) take control of what you can, 3) plan for triggers and, 4) savor the positive moments. With patience and self-compassion, you can rise above and become more resilient than ever before.

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A heart doctor answers 4 key questions about NFL player Damar Hamlin's injury

Damar Hamlin, a safety for the Buffalo Bills, collapsed on the field during a Monday Night Football game against the Cincinnati Bengals on January 2, 2023.

Medical staff gave Hamlin CPR and shocked him with a defibrillator, restarting his heart’s rhythm. News outlets immediately began speculating that Hamlin may have suffered from commotio cordis — a potentially lethal stoppage of the heart caused by a strong impact on a person’s chest. The next day, the Bills announced that Hamlin had indeed experienced “cardiac arrest” but did not confirm whether the cause was commotion cordis.

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"Jumping genes": A new model of Alzheimer's

The causes of Alzheimer’s Disease are complex and mysterious. Alzheimer’s is characterized by the build-up of plaques and tangles, consisting of insoluble amyloid and tau proteins, respectively, in the brain tissue, and for decades it was widely believed that plaques are the culprit.

Pharmaceutical companies have developed hundreds of drugs that remove plaques or prevent their build-up, but although many of these alleviate Alzheimer’s-like symptoms in mice, they invariably fail in human clinical trials or have only modest effects. These failures have led researchers to investigate other possible causes, including inflammation, immune system dysfunction, and metabolic dysfunction. More recently, evidence that “jumping genes” may play a role has emerged.

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4 Things High Achievers Do Differently

We’ve all heard the saying, “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” Yet a recent Gallup study shows that many people are, in fact, not loving their work and are miserable in their jobs, with only 21% of employees engaged at work and 33% thriving in their overall well-being globally. Individually and as a society, we seem to have lost our hope for the future. People want to succeed, but the path to achievement is murky. No one wakes up aiming to be average, but all the messages we receive, consciously and unconsciously, appear to push us to that undistinguishable level.

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China's COVID situation is dire - but it shouldn't pose a big risk to other countries

China is currently in the midst of a severe wave of COVID infections and deaths. We don’t know exactly how bad it is because of significant gaps in official reporting, but by all indications, things are dire. News reports suggest hospitals and mortuaries are overflowing.

Despite the popular perception that the current wave of infections is a direct result of the country lifting its zero COVID policy in early December, this isn’t quite true. Cases were already rising in China before restrictions were eased.

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M3GAN, the Killer-Robot Doll, Is Just What 2023 Needs

Come January, Hollywood always undergoes a strange shift in its major releases, from awards-centric fare and festive hits to the doldrums of the post-holiday season. Studios usually regard this period as a dumping ground for low-quality genre films that seem designed to be quickly forgotten. But 2023 is different, because this year, viewers have a special new friend to help them acclimatize: a pint-size robot girl named M3GAN. She’s full of fun facts, exceptionally strong, and surprisingly fond of belting out modern pop songs at random moments, even though she’s dressed like a preppy coed.

Oh, and one other thing: M3GAN, the “Model 3 Generative Android” created by the brilliant but awkward roboticist Gemma (played by Allison Williams), is a touch homicidal. That’s a problem for Gemma and her recently orphaned niece, Cady (Violet McGraw), for whom M3GAN is meant as a therapeutic gift. The violent tendencies only mean more amusement for audiences, who can kick off the year with 102 minutes of zany, self-aware horror. Yes, Gerard Johnstone’s M3GAN is pulled from January’s bucket of mostly low-budget pablum, but it’s cheeky and knowing enough to stand out from the slop.

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Speaker in Name Only

Having at long last put down a rebellion from within his party, Kevin McCarthy is now House speaker. He finally has the gavel he’s long coveted, but the job he secured after 14 consecutive drubbings is not the one he envisioned.

Last night, he suffered one more indignity to get it, perhaps the most stunning in a week’s worth of humiliations. McCarthy had to literally beg his most hated Republican foe, Representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, for the deciding vote, and a fight nearly broke out on the House floor. But after 14 failed votes, it was finally over.

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How to Get People to Actually Participate in Virtual Meetings

One of the most challenging aspects of a virtual meeting is keeping people’s attention. It’s important to be thoughtful about how you engage attendees. In the first minute of your meeting, help participants experience the problem you want them to solve by sharing statistics, anecdotes, or analogies that dramatize the issue. Then emphasize shared responsibility for solving it. Define a highly structured and brief task they can tackle in small groups of two or three people and give them a medium with which to communicate with one another (video conference, Slack channel, messaging platform, audio breakouts).  Then have the groups report out. Never go longer than 5-10 minutes without giving the group another problem to solve. The key is to sustain a continual expectation of meaningful involvement so participants don’t retreat into an observer role. When that happens, you’ll have to work hard to bring them back.

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A far-out plan to build an asteroid city

But what are a bunch of physicists to do when a pandemic grinds the world to a halt if not work on something “wildly theoretical,” as they put it? And there’s few things more aptly described as such than an asteroid city. 

Even more wild: they’ve got an idea they think — and the math says — could work (if we are ever in a position to do it).

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How philosophy can help mothers avoid judgment, guilt and shame

Parenting is tough: the lack of sleep, the baby that cries for hours for no reason, the toddler that has a tantrum for all too many reasons. But being a mother is often especially hard.

This isn’t just because mothers often do the lion’s share of hands-on child raising. It is because motherhood can come with an additional layer of judgment, guilt and shame.

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Netflix's The Pale Blue Eye uses a fictional whodunnit to explore the origins of Edgar Allan Poe

The historical noir – set in a beautifully rendered wintry Hudson Highlands, New York – imagines what might have happened if the young Edgar Allan Poe (Harry Melling) had ingratiated himself into the investigation of the apparent suicide of one of his fellow cadets at West Point Military Academy.

The body is found hanging from a tree by the banks of the Hudson. Puzzlingly, the young man’s feet appear to have been on the ground, with his stiff fingers clutching a fragment of a note. His rib cage has been surgically ripped open and the heart removed.

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What Snow Days Mean to Adults

This is an edition of The Wonder Reader, a newsletter in which our editors recommend a set of stories to spark your curiosity and fill you with delight. Sign up here to get it every Saturday morning.

Shortly after our writer Katherine J. Wu, “a born-and-bred Californian,” moved to Boston, she was met with an epic snowstorm—one so bad that the city ran out of places to dump the snow piles. As you can imagine, she wasn’t thrilled. But now, more than eight years later, climate change is threatening winter snow in Boston and the rest of New England, she writes: “Snow may someday cover New England’s landscape for only about six weeks a year, about half the norm of recent decades.”

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You need to watch the best haunted house thriller of the century on Netflix ASAP

There aren’t many contemporary filmmakers who have had as much success in the Hollywood studio system as James Wan. The Malaysian-born director achieved mainstream recognition in the early 2000s with Saw, which spawned a horror franchise that Hollywood still hasn’t abandoned. While he spent the next few years struggling to replicate Saw’s success, Wan kicked off a new chapter of his career in 2010 with the horror smash hit, Insidious.

Three years later, Wan topped himself by directing both Insidious: Chapter 2 and The Conjuring. As with most of Wan’s horror films, the latter spawned a franchise that’s since become the highest-grossing in horror movie history. However, while The Conjuring has been followed by multiple sequels and spin-offs — including one Wan-directed 2016 sequel that’s quite good — the director’s original 2013 film is still the purest example of what makes him such a skilled studio filmmaker.

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I Saw Horrific Things When I Played in the NFL

When the Buffalo Bills safety Damar Hamlin collapsed on the field on Monday night, I was watching a cartoon with my 3-year-old son. When that ended, my son began playing with magnets on the floor, and I switched over to the game. Instead of football, I witnessed a frantic scene. A “routine football hit”—just like the thousands I had been involved in as a professional player—had left a 24-year-old man lying motionless on the grass, an EMT’s hands clasped above his sternum, trying to save his life.

Nearly nine minutes of CPR happened on that field as Hamlin’s teammates circled him and watched. The look on their faces told the real story: They believed they were watching their brother die—something most football players never consider as a possibility. An injury? Sure, we’ve all seen plenty of them. But not a fatality. It was shocking. So, frankly, was the fact that the NFL adjourned the game. The game always goes on.

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Congress Goes to the Movies

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New Details Emerge About Apple's Mixed-Reality Headset

If you're into virtual reality, you were probably focused on the news coming out of CES this week. There was no shortage of new augmented reality glasses and virtual reality headsets. But the biggest AR-VR news came from a company that very deliberately did not announce it at CES.

More leaks emerged this week about Apple's upcoming mixed-reality headset. A report by The Information outlined a bunch of new details about the most eagerly anticipated wearable in years. According to unnamed Apple insiders working on the project, there's a bevy of features coming to the ski-goggle-shaped device. Some of them, like foveated rendering and pass-through views, are also found in competing headsets like the Meta Quest Pro and Sony's imminent PS VR2. But Apple's headset is aiming to be lighter than the Quest Pro and more maneuverable than either competitor.

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The 14 Best Gadgets From CES 2023 You Can Buy Right Now

a new year means new gadgets. And thanks to CES 2023, we've seen a ton of innovative tech this past week. While many products announced at CES won't be available till later this year, a fair number are already for sale—which could help tide you over until then. If your wallet has recovered from the holidays, check out these CES devices available for purchase or preorder.

Special offer for Gear readers: Get a 1-year subscription to WIRED for $5 ($25 off). This includes unlimited access to and our print magazine (if you'd like). Subscriptions help fund the work we do every day.

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How biologist and artist Ernst Haeckel defrauded and hijacked science

Haeckel’s illustration (left) and a more accurate illustration from the period (right). (Credit: Internet Archive / Public domain)

You’ve probably seen Ernst Haeckel’s work, without realizing it. His illustrations of radiolarians, bat faces, mosses, crustaceans, mushrooms, hummingbirds, and other specimens are breathtaking — iconic to this day. He found extraordinary success in harnessing visual media to convey and embellish his ideas to scientists and laymen alike.

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Algorithms Need Management Training, Too

The European Union is expected to finalize the Platform Work Directive, its new legislation to regulate digital labor platforms, this month. This is the first law proposed at the European Union level to explicitly regulate “algorithmic management”: the use of automated monitoring, evaluation, and decision-making systems to make or inform decisions including recruitment, hiring, assigning tasks, and termination.

Aislinn Kelly-Lyth, formerly a researcher at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford, works at Blackstone Chambers in London.M. Six Silberman and Halefom Abraha are postdoctoral researchers at the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights, University of Oxford.Jeremias Adams-Prassl is Professor of Law at Magdalen College, University of Oxford, and the Principal Investigator of the ‘iManage’ Project on regulating algorithmic management, funded by the European Research Council (ERC).

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Negotiating with a Customer You Can't Afford to Lose

This wasn’t supposed to happen. You’ve invested a lot of time earning a customer’s trust and goodwill. You’ve done needs-satisfaction selling, relationship selling, consultative selling, customer-oriented selling; you’ve been persuasive and good-humored. But as you approach the close, your good friend the customer suddenly turns into Attila the Hun, demanding a better deal, eager to plunder your company’s margin and ride away with the profits. You’re left with a lousy choice: do the business unprofitably or don’t do the business at all.

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Science News Briefs from around the World: January 2023

Synchronizing chimpanzees in Zambia, a plankton-trapping ecosystem in the Maldives, Neandertal teeth from Spain, and much more in this month’s Quick Hits

Narwhals seem to be migrating later every year as ice-coverage patterns change in Arctic waters. The unicornlike whales were thought to be particularly vulnerable to climate change because of their 100-year life spans and slow evolution, so this behavioral shift bodes well for their adaptability.

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The Secret to Getting Everything Done: Don't Rush!

How slowing down can improve productivity and help you grow your business faster.

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This wireless TV dares you to suction $3,000 worth of tech to your wall

Displace’s new wireless TV looks like a floating screen... because it is. The OLED panel vacuums to your wall and runs off rechargeable batteries.

Displace is making an ambitious bet on the future of home entertainment. The $2,999 Displace TV announced at CES 2023 and now available to reserve, is an entirely wireless television you can control with your hands.

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Ram’s electric pickup truck concept is also a mobile movie projector

Ram is officially fashionably late to the EV market with its electric pickup truck concept. Ram debuted its Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept at CES 2023, after initially delaying its premiere at the Los Angeles Auto Show a couple of months ago.

It’s still just a concept, but it’s a comprehensive look into what Ram has been working on with EVs. The bar is certainly higher these days with more car makers offering innovative all-electric pickup trucks. Although the final production model Ram 1500 EV may not look or perform exactly like this concept, we’re hoping that some of the features introduced here will eventually may it to the rest of Ram’s lineup.

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Netanyahu’s Government Takes a Turn Toward Theocracy

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new coalition government, which was sworn in last week, is routinely referred to as "extreme right," but this tortures the meaning of conservatism in a democracy. Thirty-two of the coalition's members in the Knesset (out of a hundred and twenty parliamentary seats) are disciples of so-called religious parties, the political arms of theocratic communities. These parties, and factions of parties, can be divided into three groups: The largest alliance, with fourteen seats, is religious Zionism, whose forebears were preoccupied with preserving the rabbinic privileges afforded by the British Mandate in the new state of Israel—such as supervision over marriage, burial, conversion, and dietary laws, and state-supported religious schools—but which, since 1967, has been overtaken by the messianic claims of West Bank settlers. The Haredi, or ultra-Orthodox, with seven seats, represent self-segregating communities living mainly in and around Jerusalem. Shas, with eleven seats, are a populist, anti-élite party of Orthodox Mizrahi immigrants from North Africa and the Middle East, who tend to be poorer and less educated.

In recent years, the three groups have meshed ideologically into the "national camp," adhering in particular to the ultranationalist, Greater Israel vision of the religious-Zionist alliance: prohibiting the surrender of Biblically promised land, and moving the state further toward Orthodox law. Indeed, the other, anchoring half of the government majority, Netanyahu's Likud party, includes many rank-and-file members who also openly identify with religious Zionism. (The new minister of environmental protection, Idit Silman, is a former backbencher of a religious-Zionist party who jumped to the Likud last summer, abandoning the "change government" of Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett, thereby helping to bring it down.)

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'Wednesday' Season 2 confirmed! Everything we know about the Netflix show's future

Wednesday made a bloody splash on Netflix over Thanksgiving 2022. Netflix says it enjoyed the platform’s biggest opening week ever, beating out even Stranger Things. But with Season 1 in the books, what lies in the future for Netflix’s most sullen teen? Will we see more adventures at Nevermore Academy? Here’s everything you need to know about where we left off, and what could come next in Wednesday Season 2.

Yes! Netflix officially renewed Wednesday for Season 2 on Friday, January 6. The news comes after several shocking cancellations from the streamer, including 1899 and Midnight Club, so to say we’re relieved may be an understatement.

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US Cities Are Falling Out of Love With the Parking Lot

This story originally appeared in The Guardian and is part of the Climate Desk collaboration.

They are gray and rectangular, and if you laid all 2 billion of them together they would cover an area roughly the size Connecticut, about 5,500 square miles. Parking lots have a monotonous ubiquity in US life, but a growing band of cities and states are now refusing to force more on people, arguing that they harm communities and inflame the climate crisis.

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The secret Netflix metric that got '1899' canceled — and could ruin TV forever

Understanding why Netflix cancels some shows and renews others can feel like trying to predict the weather from under your blanket. A new show might climb the ranks of Netflix’s very public Top 10 rankings, stay there for weeks, and still wind up on the garbage heap. However, there’s a secret metric Netflix doesn’t reveal that helps explain exactly why a show like 1899 got canceled — and it may prove that Netflix’s biggest critics are right about one particular issue.

As Forbes pointed out in a recent article, the easiest way to predict whether a Netflix show will be renewed or canceled is to look at its completion rate (aka, what percentage of people who watched a show actually finished it). If the completion rate is over 50 percent, the show gets renewed. If it’s under 50 percent... well, you can guess what happens then.

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What Twitter's 200 million email leak really means

After reports at the end of 2022 that hackers were selling data stolen from 400 million Twitter users, researchers now say that a widely circulated trove of email addresses linked to about 200 million users is likely a refined version of the larger trove with duplicate entries removed. The social network has not yet commented on the massive exposure, but the cache of data clarifies the severity of the leak and who may be most at risk as a result of it.

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Cake’s new work e-bike has the range of a small electric car

The Åik’s customizable frame can be fitted with racks, baskets, and passenger seats —and it has a more than 200-mile range.

This e-bike can haul cargo as easily as it can get you around town. Cake introduced its electric utility bike called the Åik at CES 2023. Cake designed the Åik as part e-bike, part utility vehicle since it fits the bill as a commercial two-wheeler just as much as it does a daily commuter bike.

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No, Remote Employees Aren't Becoming Less Engaged

One of executives’ biggest worries about remote work is the reduction in spontaneous meetings and conversations with employees. But is this worry justified? New research on meetings shows that it might not be. It turns out that employees have more short, one-on-one meetings compared to 2020, and those meetings are increasingly spontaneous (meaning they weren’t set up in advance on the calendar). While there are limitations to this data, it does suggest that employees are finding new ways to connect with each other — and that there are steps organizations can take to encourage them to continue to do so.

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Salesforce’s CEO Faced Intense Pushback at an All-Hands Meeting. His Response Was the 1 Thing a Leader Should Never Do

If you're going to get your team together, at least give them the respect of answering questions.

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A new look at the strange case of the first gene-edited babies

In the four years since an experiment by disgraced scientist He Jiankui resulted in the birth of the first babies with edited genes, numerous articles, books and international commissions have reflected on whether and how heritable genome editing – that is, modifying genes that will be passed on to the next generation – should proceed. They’ve reinforced an international consensus that it’s premature to proceed with heritable genome editing. Yet, concern remains that some individuals might buck that consensus and recklessly forge ahead – just as He Jiankui did.

Some observers – myself included – have characterized He as a rogue. However, the new documentary “Make People Better,” directed by filmmaker Cody Sheehy, leans toward a different narrative. In its telling, He was a misguided centerpiece of a broader ecosystem that subtly and implicitly supported rapid advancement in gene editing and reproductive technologies. That same system threw He under the bus – and into prison – when it became evident that the global community strongly rejected his experiments.

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Everything Starts with Trust

Trust is the basis for almost everything we do. It’s the foundation on which our laws and contracts are built. It’s the reason we’re willing to exchange our hard-earned paychecks for goods and services, to pledge our lives to another person in marriage, and to cast a ballot for someone who will represent our interests. It’s also the input that makes it possible for leaders to create the conditions for employees to fully realize their own capacity and power.

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Where is the next COVID variant, pi? A virologist explains why omicron is continuing to dominate

The omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has now been around for more than a year. Before omicron became dominant, there had been a quick succession of named variants of concern – from alpha, to beta, to gamma, to delta. But now it seems as though we’re facing a never-ending string of letter and number combinations denoting the children and grandchildren of omicron: BA.2, BA.2.75, BA.5, BQ.1, BF.7, XBB – the list goes on.

So what does it take for a new variant to earn a Greek letter for a name, and are we ever going to see omicron replaced?

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28 years ago, James Cameron wrote a sci-fi flop — that became a cyberpunk masterpiece

A lot of cyberpunk has aged badly. A Kathryn Bigelow-directed thriller is a massive exception.

James Cameron would become the king of the world in 1997, but just two years prior, a movie he co-wrote with Jay Cocks tanked at the box office. Strange Days, a cyberpunk film decades ahead of its time, is more relevant today than it was then, but for the longest time it wasn’t available to stream anywhere.

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LG’s 240Hz 45-inch curved OLED has ruined all other gaming monitors for me

When at CES 2023, take in all the big, bright TVs and gaming monitors. That’s what I did at LG’s CES booth where I got to bask my retinas in the glorious 45-inch OLED goodness of the company’s 240Hz UltraGear 45GR95QE curved gaming monitor.

I’m already weeping at the thought of going home to my overpriced Apple Studio Display which is not curved, not OLED, and limited to a measly 60Hz refresh rate.

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Pimax's Portal fuses the Nintendo Switch with a VR headset

I was skeptical of the Pimax Portal, but after trying the odd Android handheld and virtual reality headset hybrid at CES 2023, I can confirm that Pimax’s do-it-all machine really does work.

Pimax launched the Portal’s Kickstarter campaign in November 2022 with the framing that its latest hardware is “the world’s first metaverse entertainment system” thanks to a suite of accessories that can convert it into a Quest 2-like VR headset, home console, or larger handheld. But based on my time with the Portal the real issue for the device isn’t whether its hardware is up to the test but whether it’ll have the apps and games to take advantage of its flexibility.

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'Mayfair Witches' Review: AMC's Anne Rice show is banal, not bewitching

Mayfair Witches is a neither kooky nor spooky adaptation of Anne Rice's bestselling trilogy.

Such fear of their potency and potions was evident in the many witch hunts that extended far beyond Salem, Massachusetts. And our enduring fascination with these alluring enchantresses has become a staple in pop culture.

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PlayStation VR 2 release date, price, and games for the new headset

The PSVR follow-up we've all been waiting for is finally coming. Officially named PlayStation VR 2, Sony’s next-gen successor to its PSVR headset will work with the PlayStation 5. Players who have enjoyed games like Hitman 3 in PSVR are likely hungry for a more powerful machine, which is exactly where PSVR 2 comes into play. Sony has finally shared the most sought-after details about the device, revealing its specs, features, release date, and price tag. Judging by the information, the new device sounds like a major improvement over the serviceable, but limited PSVR. Here's everything you need to know about PSVR 2.

PSVR 2 will officially launch on February 22, 2023, according to the official PlayStation Blog.

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Dolby's spatial audio makes Mercedes' Maybach sound as luxurious as it looks

As exciting as it was for me to finally step foot in a Maybach, Dolby somehow managed to steal the thunder of a car that essentially defines the words “luxury automobile.”

Dolby is no stranger to orchestrating audio in cars, but its integration with Mercedes-Benz is arguably the company’s most ambitious tie-in yet, bringing together Dolby Atmos’ spatial audio, dozens of hi-fi speakers, and an Apple Music integration that makes finding and playing compatible songs incredibly simple.

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These hyper-thin lenses could be the breakthrough AR glasses need

The company's new waveguide design helps create bright, legible AR images and is small enough to fit into a pair of sunglasses.

A proper everyday augmented reality experience is a long way off, but at CES 2023, an optics company called Lumus may just be offering a glimpse of what mainstream AR could look like.

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When Is Sherlock Holmes's Birthday and How Do We Know For Sure?

Sherlock Holmes isn’t real, but when was his birthday? In A Study in Scarlet, Sherlock Holmes’s best quip wasn’t “the game’s afoot!” but instead, something a little more intelligent. “What you do in this world is a matter of no consequence,” Holmes tells Watson. “The question is what can you make people believe you have done.” Playing the game of perception versus truth is probably just as essential to the canon of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes as the search for obscure clues. But, how did a fictional character convince us he has a real birthday, and why are we still (sometimes) confused about his age?

On January 6, Sherlock Holmes fans — sometimes called Sherlockians, sometimes Holmsesians, sometimes Baker Street Babes — celebrated the “real” birthday of the greatest detective in history. On January 6, in either 1853 or 1854, William Sherlock Scott Holmes, son of Siger and Violet Holmes, youngest brother of Mycroft and Sherrinford Holmes, was born. Most fans will tell you it’s certainly 1854 (not 1853) and the most revered Holmes scholar of them all, Leslie Klinger, settles on 1854, too. Writing in 2005’s The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes, Klinger says that the timeline of the life of Holmes consists of a “…consensus of the major chronologists.” What this means, is that Klinger is like all fans who have played “the game,” the original fan theory community in which readers pretend Sherlock was a real person, albeit one with biographical source material limited to 56 short stories and four novels. As Ian McQueen elucidates in his 1974 book Sherlock Holmes Detected, “The only direct reference to [Sherlock’s] age comes from the very last adventure of all, “His Last Bow,” when Holmes, alias the Irish-American Altamont, is described as ‘a tall, gaunt man of sixty.’ The age sixty may not have been precise, but is suggestive of Holmes having been born about 1853 or 1854.”

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A 2,000-year-old Roman engineering secret could make today’s buildings greener

If you had to guess which industries drive carbon emissions around the world, obvious culprits like transportation and industrial farming probably come to mind. But you may not know that another major source sits literally beneath our feet and contributes a whopping 8 percent of carbon emissions worldwide: cement.

Cement is a crucial component of concrete, a building block of modern civil engineering that’s often used to pave roads and construct buildings — but sustainable cement alternatives have proven difficult to find. So instead of forsaking concrete altogether, an ancient Roman trick could make modern concrete more sustainable, according to a new paper published in the journal Science Advances.

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We tried HTC's new VR headset, and Meta should be worried

The $1,099 mixed reality goggles are cheaper than Meta's Quest Pro and more comfortable too.

HTC is ready to be back in the virtual reality limelight. The company announced the Vive XR Elite at CES 2023, its take on a mixed-reality device that just about anyone can enjoy.

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Leica brings its ultra-expensive engineering to laser projectors

If you’ve ever wanted to flex your home theater, this Leica laser projector would be the way to go. Leica is jumping into the home entertainment world with its first-ever laser TV, the Cine 1. While the laser projector debuted at IFA 2022 in Berlin, Leica is showing off a pre-production model of the Cine 1 at CES 2023.

It’s actually not the first time that Leica has produced projectors, previously making them under the Pradovit branding. Leica has come a long way since the Pradovit projectors, though — the Cine 1 combines laser projection technology with Leica’s renowned lenses.

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No, Remote Employees Aren't Becoming Less Engaged

One of executives’ biggest worries about remote work is the reduction in spontaneous meetings and conversations with employees. But is this worry justified? New research on meetings shows that it might not be. It turns out that employees have more short, one-on-one meetings compared to 2020, and those meetings are increasingly spontaneous (meaning they weren’t set up in advance on the calendar). While there are limitations to this data, it does suggest that employees are finding new ways to connect with each other — and that there are steps organizations can take to encourage them to continue to do so.

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No, Remote Employees Aren't Becoming Less Engaged

One of executives’ biggest worries about remote work is the reduction in spontaneous meetings and conversations with employees. But is this worry justified? New research on meetings shows that it might not be. It turns out that employees have more short, one-on-one meetings compared to 2020, and those meetings are increasingly spontaneous (meaning they weren’t set up in advance on the calendar). While there are limitations to this data, it does suggest that employees are finding new ways to connect with each other — and that there are steps organizations can take to encourage them to continue to do so.

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