Friday, June 9, 2023

Does your diet affect your fertility?

Does your diet affect your fertility?    

Visit any online fertility chat room, and one of the main topics of debate will probably be what to eat to maximise your chances of conceiving. In addition to the wealth of supplements promoted as being fertility-boosting, there is also an array of foods that are supposed to help achieve a healthy pregnancy.Amid all the myths and marketing, what is the actual evidence for using certain foods to enhance male and female fertility, and support the developing fetus?

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Regulators are Reportedly Considering Raising Capital Requirements for Big Banks. Why that Could Paint a "Dismal Picture" for Small Businesses.     

The country's largest lenders could face a 20 percent increase in capital requirements, accelerating a credit cooldown. That might not be as bad for small businesses as you'd think.

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Don't Censor Racism Out of the Past    

The classic movie The French Connection was stealth edited to remove an offensive exchange.The first time it happened, I assumed it was a misunderstanding. After the third, fourth, and fifth time, I realized that something had shifted since I had last—prior to the summer of 2020 and the racial reckoning—faced a group of undergraduate students, making sense together of a text from a previous era. We were taking turns reading from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. When it was time to pronounce out loud the word Negro, which arises frequently in a piece of writing from 1845, the student hesitated with visible discomfort and then said, almost in relief, “N-word,” before proceeding to the next sentence. Once this precedent had been set, each subsequent student to encounter the ethnic descriptor Douglass applied to himself without shame made the same adjustment.

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Google's Bard AI can now write and execute code to answer a question    

Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Google Bard can provide some decent answers to certain types of questions, but these computers are ironically pretty bad at computing stuff. Google has a new solution to try to get language models to do simple tasks, like math, correctly: have the AI write a program. Google says that now when you ask Bard a "computational" task like math or string manipulation, instead of showing the output of the language model, that language model will instead write a program, execute that program, and then show the output of that program to the user as an answer.

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How to Answer "What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses?"    

Don’t take common interview questions lightly just because they’re predictable. Underpreparing for them can make the difference between moving ahead and moving on. One question that often comes up: What are your strengths and weaknesses? In this article, the author outlines clear steps for how to describe your strengths and weaknesses along with sample language to use as a guide.

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How to Build Upon the Legacy of Your Family Business -- and Make It Your Own    

Family companies often have a strong sense of history and tradition. Although these legacies can create advantages, they sometimes leave next-generation leaders feeling handcuffed or constrained by the way their ancestors ran things. To overcome that, they should seek to reformulate the company’s story in a way that creates advantages for the present.

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Why You Should be More of a Troublemaker    

Author Luuvie Ajayi spoke with All the Hats Curator Teneshia Carr about the importance of challenging the status quo.

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Musk on path to turn Twitter into the next MySpace or Yahoo, co-founder suggests    

Twitter co-founder Evan "Ev" Williams has broken his silence and joined other co-founders in expressing his dismay at how Elon Musk is running the platform.

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Why the pursuit of happiness leads to misery -- and what to do about it    

Imagine you’re traveling through the desert. You’re exhausted, dehydrated, and on the brink of collapse. To the east, maybe a mile out, you see a pastoral outpost with an artesian well centered among the plain, clay-brick homes. To the west, teetering on the horizon, you see an oasis. Palm trees enwreathe a cool blue pond next to which stands a pavilion supported on alabaster columns. And, if you’re not mistaken, it’s populated with sexy servants armed with frond fans and dishes piled with exotic fruits. Which do you choose?The pastoral village, of course. You may be dying of thirst, but you aren’t an idiot. You recognize a cliché, cartoon-inspired mirage when you see one and know that such a pain-free paradise will remain forever out of reach. Better to seek true relief than risk further misery. 

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Would You Rather Be a Thought Leader or an Influencer?    

Both are experts, but have different goals.

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Reddit's CEO Faced Intense Criticism Over Killing a Popular Third-Party App, Apollo. His Response Is What No Leader Should Ever Do    

The company's new API access fees are supposed to generate revenue. Instead, they're alienating everyone.

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3 Steps to Identify the Right Strategic Goals for Your Company    

In setting strategic objectives, companies usually end up with a list of worthy but vague aspirations. The secret to getting a list of clearly defined and measurable objectives is to anchor them in what you, as a company’s leaders, want to get from your stakeholders. This leads you to defining desired behavioral outcomes, even fairly obvious ones like buying more. The debate can then move to thinking about how to trigger that behavior, and progress toward these outcomes can be described in measures that are in dollars, like revenue; quantities, like units sold; or percentages, like market share. Thinking in this way sounds prosaic, even obvious, but it is an effective way of getting a management team to think clearly about what they need to do.

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How Can You Tell Someone Has Exceptional Leadership Skills? It Boils Down to 3 Behaviors    

The most powerful force in business isn't greed, power, or unbridled competition. It's better than that.

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IRS to Business Owners: Your Employee Retention Tax Credit Payout Could Take Up to 160 Days    

It can take months for entrepreneurs to see the Employee Retention Credit they applied for.

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Here's a rough estimate of how many people recent SCOTUS rulings might kill    

Three landmark Supreme Court decisions in 2022 have each been widely criticized by health experts as threats to public health, but a study released Thursday in JAMA Network Open modeled their collective toll. The study found that, by conservative estimates, the decisions will lead to thousands of deaths in the coming years, with tens of thousands more being harmed.

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Five Things You Need to Know About Wildfire Smoke Right Now    

Where is it coming from? How long will it last? What's in the smoke? Whose health is at risk? How do you clean your own air?Andrea Thompson: Welcome to Science Quickly, a Scientific American podcast series! I’m Andrea Thompson, SciAm’s editor for earth and environment.

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How to Make    

Daniel Kahneman, John Smoltz, and A.J. Pierzynski on why data and analysis are important, as long as you also develop a feel for whatever game you play.

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The Motorbunny Buck Is a Sex Machine Worth Every Penny    

If you buy something using links in our stories, we may earn a commission. This helps support our journalism. Learn more. Please also consider subscribing to WIREDMost sex toys are small and (relatively) inexpensive for a reason. Everyone’s body is different, and even a highly-rated toy can be a risk if it doesn’t … er, do it for you. Plus, the more complicated a device is, the harder it is to muster the motivation to break it out. All that makes the $1,650 Motorbunny Buck a tough sell. Yet I find myself sold.

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Forget Marketing: The Real Way to Build Your Brand on Social Media    

How to create personas to reach your target audience and bolster your brand.

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Canada wildfires: Will they change how people think about climate change?    

In the 1500s, the artist Pieter Bruegel the Elder produced a painting about people's indifference to distant suffering. Called Landscape with the Fall of Icarus, a copy of the original that's now on display in Brussels shows a farmer ploughing his field in the foreground. It's only when you look carefully that you can see Icarus drowning in the sea in the distance, surrounded by melted feathers, his legs flailing in the air.Landscape with the Fall of Icarus - a painting that depicts the effect of psychological distancing (Credit: Wikimedia Commons)

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Community Violence Outreach Workers Are More Likely to Experience Gun Violence Than Police Are    

Supporting the health and safety of community violence street workers is urgent and imperativeMore than 100 people were shot in Chicago over a summer weekend in 2021. One resident, 52-year-old Rick, was among them, and his story might seem like just another shooting in a city wrestling with a gun violence epidemic. But Rick’s injury was distinctive: it stemmed from his everyday heroism as one of Chicago’s more than 200 community violence interventionists.

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Crocodile's 'Virgin Birth' Is a First for Science's History Books    

A female crocodile birthed a fully formed, stillborn fetus despite living in isolation for 16 yearsThe following essay is reprinted with permission from The Conversation, an online publication covering the latest research.

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Tesla's Supercharger Strategy Starts a Winning Streak    

Electric vehicles are more abundant than ever. Charging your shiny new EV at a public station? That could hardly get worse.Since 2021, automotive research firm J.D. Power has regularly polled electric car owners on their experiences at public charging stations. That infrastructure is vital to the world's transition away from fuel-burning cars and drivers' comfort with battery-powered vehicles. Many of today's EV owners can charge at home, but a complete transition to electric requires a solution for cars that park on the street or take longer trips. The latest data suggests public charging is currently a mess.

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Research Reveals a Secret Weapon for Accomplishing Life-Changing Goals: Planned and Scheduled    

A 'planned hedonistic deviation' sounds a little creepy, but where staying the long-term course is concerned, it's surprisingly effective.

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To fear AI is to fear Newton and Einstein. There are no "dragons" here.    

A long time ago, Thomas More wrote Utopia, a satire set in an idealized island society where people live in harmony with perfected laws, politics, and social norms. Ever since, we’ve used “utopia” as a term of derision, describing a bug in the human operating system where we yearn for the perfected and confuse our hope for it as a possible future.And yet there’s a reason we dream of it. For much of human history, we’ve lived in a state of want — want for better living conditions, material resources, health, education. We want to live better.

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The Price of Title 42 Is the Battered Bodies of My Patients    

As the stretcher was wheeled into the room, I glanced up from the patient chart. Following right behind was a burly man in the distinctive dark-green uniform of the U.S. Border Patrol. The patient, a young woman, lay shivering. A spinal collar had been placed around her neck to immobilize it in case it was broken. Her face, fixed upward, grimaced.“Wall fall?” I asked as the nurses prepared to move the patient from the stretcher to the bed.

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How to Factory-Reset Your Phone Before You Sell It    

Whether you’re looking to buy a new iPhone or you’ve got your eye on one of the best Android phones, you need to wipe your old phone before you can sell it or pass it on. Your old phone is likely packed with precious memories, so make sure you back up or transfer everything (especially photos) before you follow this guide to reset it.There are various ways to trade in or sell your old iPhone or Android phone, but you must wipe it properly first. This isn’t just about late-night texts or embarrassing selfies falling into the wrong hands; failing to factory-reset it could land you in a world of pain. If you don’t log out and remove accounts, you may end up missing new incoming messages, and factory-reset protection on Android phones can lock buyers out even after the device has been wiped.

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How to Check the Air Quality Near You    

Whether you’re concerned about wildfire smoke from Canada or other pollutants that make the air less breathable, it’s a healthy habit to always check the air quality index on your phone. Yes, it’s one more thing to do as you’re grabbing your keys and rushing out the door, but the knowledge can help you decide whether those quick errands can wait until everything clears up a bit.It’s scary to look out your window and see an otherworldly orange haze, but the particles you can’t see can negatively impact your health as well. Here’s some crucial information about what the air quality index actually is, how to see the levels near you, and a few tips for taking care of yourself when the outdoor air contains high levels of pollutants.

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The First In-Depth Study on 'Blue Balls' Reveals a Lot about Sex    

Arousal without orgasm isn’t dangerous, so why are people pressured to engage in unwanted sexual activity to avoid it?Psychology professor Caroline Pukall knows a lot about sex. For decades she has studied human sexual behavior, and much of her work has centered on genital pelvic pain and sexual health. In May Pukall and her colleagues published a paper in Sexual Medicine on the first in-depth study investigating epididymal hypertension—a sometimes uncomfortable state of engorged genitals that is commonly known as “blue balls.”

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